Let’s talk about rheumatoid arthritis. Less than half the number of people get it than get gouty arthritis, which I talked about in my last post, but it’s a much bigger problem because it’s much less easily treated. People over the years are probably going to become debilitated by it at some point in time.
We don’t know what causes rheumatoid arthritis. There seems to be some genetic predispositions. Caucasians get it more than other races. There are certainly environmental factors. We do know that women get it about 2-3 times as often as men. We certainly know there are some immunological factors involved. Why that is we don’t know. There is certainly a sign of a deranged immune response where the body starts attacking itself. There’s something in the synovial linings of the joint that the body identifies as wrong. It frequently occurs after another infection, virus or bacterial infection. The immune system, in fighting that infection or whatever it was, identifies a certain part of your body as the enemy. There must be a structure in the joint surface or synovial lining that looks enough like that which the body starts attacking.
It’s kind of the opposite of gouty arthritis. You usually get a number of different joints involved at the same time. It’s not immediate, rapidly developing pain like gout. It’s usually much more insidious, slow, and over time there’s a little bit of ache and then a little bit more. It will come and go. We're all familiar with the phenomena of people being able to predict the weather by the arthritis or at least predicting when the weather changes. That is simply the barometric pressure changing and it does make people with arthritis hurt.
We’ve tried many things over the years to treat rheumatoid arthritis, from non-steroidal anti-inflammatories to injections of gold, even oral gold. Gold creates an immune response. It lowers the immune response as do a lot of heavy metals; lead, platinum, gold. A number of heavy metals lower immune response. That’s a fact. In my cancer clinic in Atlanta that was one of the first things I looked at was heavy metal toxicity, to lower the burden on the immune system and allow it to begin to respond again with these patients.
Immune alteration is a great big problem with rheumatoid arthritis. Non-steroidals have been a main stay even though they do not alter the course of disease. Then we try gold and platinum and things like that. We’ve even tried cancer drugs; cyclosporine and other very toxic cancer drugs to try to decrease the inflammation. We know that they damage the immune system and lower the immune system. That’s why we always check the white blood count when the patients get chemotherapy and they come back in. Doctors are using that to try to lower the immune response in rheumatoid arthritis.
Alternative medicine wise, the things that work we’ve mentioned for both of the other arthritis’; anti-inflammatory agents, digestive enzymes. There’s not a whole lot in the alternative field that benefits this type of disease either. We do, certainly, need to remember that in relationship to my work with The Healing Codes arthritis is related to both self-control and patience. As it concerns emotional issues, we know that a lot of times these arthritis’ onset after an emotional event, after a sickness or a traumatic event. We certainly want to look at the emotional issues related to that. How can we get well if we haven’t changed that emotional issue?
In my last post I mentioned fibromyalgia. It deserves it’s own post, so next time we’ll talk about fibromyalgia.